At the 2023 Annual General Meeting, following a proposal from the Nomination Committee, KPMG was elected as auditor for the period from the 2022 AGM to the 2023 AGM. The principal auditor is Joakim Thilstedt.
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At the AGM in April 4, 2023 KPMG AB was elected as external auditors up to the end of the Annual General Meeting in 2024.
KPMG provides an audit opinion on the financial statements and the annual report for Husqvarna AB, the consolidated financial statements for the Husqvarna Group, the administration of Husqvarna AB, and the financial statements of Husqvarna's subsidiaries. The audit is conducted in accordance with the Swedish Companies Act and generally accepted Swedish auditing standards issued by FAR SRS, which are based on Generally Accepted Auditing Standards issued by the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC GAAS).
Audits of local statutory financial statements for legal entities outside of Sweden are performed in accordance with laws or other applicable regulations in the respective countries, and in accordance with IFAC GAAS, including issuance of audit opinions for the various legal entities when required.
The auditors attend the meetings of the Audit Committee and report to the Board of Directors when appropriate, but at least once annually.
Joakim Thilstedt
Authorized Public Accountant
Auditor in charge
Born: 1967
Other audit assignments include: Addtech, AFRY, Ahlsell, Concentric and Synsam.
Holdings in Husqvarna: 0 shares.
More about KPMG
expand_less Internal auditors
Husqvarna maintains a function for internal audit that reports directly to the Audit Committee and the Chief Financial Officer.
The Internal Audit function supports the development and improvement of internal control over financial reporting. Internal Audit works according to an internal audit plan that is approved by the Board and conducts independent and objective audit engagements in order to evaluate and enhance the efficiency of internal controls, including internal control over financial reporting.
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In accordance with the Swedish Companies Act, the Board annually appoints an Audit Committee whose primary responsibilities are to (a) monitor the Company’s financial reporting, (b) oversee the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control, internal audit and risk management functions as they relate to financial reporting, (c) review and supervise the Company’s external auditors’ impartiality and independence, and (d) when applicable, assist in the preparation of proposals for the AGM’s election of auditors. The Audit Committee may also exercise any other powers and carry out any other responsibilities delegated to it by the Board from time to time. The Board has adopted a charter for the Audit Committee, which is periodically updated and approved by the Board.
The Board determines the composition of the Audit Committee, which shall have at least two members, none of whom may be employed by the Company and a majority of whom shall be independent in relation to the Company and its executive management. At least one of the members who is independent in relation to the Company and its executive management shall also be independent in relation to the Company’s major shareholders. At least one of the members of the Audit Committee must have auditing or accounting competence. The Board appoints the Committee members annually at the Statutory Board Meeting or when a Committee member needs to be replaced.
The Audit Committee members appointed in April 2022 were Ingrid Bonde (Chair), Daniel Nodhäll and Katarina Martinson. Audit Committee meetings are also attended by the Company’s internal auditor, by the General Counsel, who keeps the minutes of the meetings, the Company’s CFO, and the external auditors. Other members of Group Management are invited periodically to report on specific matters as relevant. The Audit Committee regularly reports on its findings and recommendations to the full Board.
In 2022, the Audit Committee held sixmeetings, which fulfils its own charter rule that it shall meet at least four times per year. The Audit Committee meetings follow an adopted agenda plan, which includes a review of open issues, a treasury and tax update, and an internal audit update. The Audit Committee also reviews the Company’s Interim Reports and Boards’ Report before they are submitted to the Board. The Committee meets frequently with the Company’s external auditors who deliver reports on the audit. It also reviews the Company’s compliance work and litigation activities on a quarterly basis.