Kai Wärn awarded CEO of the year within Employer Branding

Kai Wärn, President and CEO of the Husqvarna Group, has been awarded CEO of the year within employer Branding. The award was presented at the Universum Talent Excellence Awards on September 28 in Stockholm.Kai Wärn portrait

The Husqvarna Group is working actively with its communications to current and future employees. In particular to show the opportunity’s that the group can offer within its Global operations, where innovation, digitization and sustainability are top priorities.

“Foremost this is an award to all our passionate and dedicated employees around the world who do a fantastic job and are true ambassadors for the Group. I must say that it feels good that the Husqvarna Group is awarded as we are in an exciting phase regarding innovation, for example robotic lawn mowers and battery products, and that we are making significant marketing efforts, ” says Kai Wärn.

The jury's motivation

”Kai Wärn has increased awareness of the company among young talents through transparency. This has resulted in a wider and more visible range of opportunities for young engineers as well as highlighting the Groups extensive international presence. Both of these factors are strong driving forces for attracting young talents . We therefore believe, that the Groups CEO has influenced the employer branding-work directly and indirectly in a positive way. Consequently Kai Wärn serves as a role model for other CEOs. "

Universum Communications has awarded the prize to the CEO of the year in Employer Branding for more than 20 years. It goes to a CEO who fully understands the importance of actively working with talent matters. This understanding manifests itself through a strong commitment to employer branding issues and an active support to those responsible for the Organization's talent work.

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