Consolidated results for 2006

Press release

  • Net sales for the full year 2006 rose to SEK 29,402m (28,768) and income for the period pro forma to SEK 1,862m (1,641), corresponding to SEK 6.29 (5.54) per share
  • Operating income for the fourth quarter increased to SEK 346m (327), and margin improved to 7.6% (6.5).
  • Professional Products reported higher sales, improved operating income and margin for the quarter as well as the full year
  • Consumer Products achieved higher operating income and margin for full year, despite lower demand for garden products
  • The Board proposes a dividend of SEK 2.25 per share, and a bonus issue to increase the number of A-shares


A combined presentation and telephone conference will be held at 14.00 CET on 23 February 2006, at the Husqvarna head office at S:t Göransgatan 143 in Stockholm, Sweden.

The presentation will be webcasted at: A replay of the presentation will be available at the web site.