Consolidated results for 2007

Press release

  • Net sales for the full year 2007 rose to SEK 33,284 m (29,402) and income for the period to SEK 2,036 m (1,862*), corresponding to SEK 5.29 (4.83*) per share.
  • Lower operating income in fourth quarter due to Gardena's normal seasonality and higher material costs for Consumer Products in North America.
  • Improved operating income for Consumer Products in Rest of the World, excluding Gardena.
  • Higher sales and income for Professional Products, margin remained at a high level.
  • The Board proposes a dividend of SEK 2.25 (2.25)** per share corresponding to an increase of 29%, adjusted for the bonus issue in 2007, and to a total dividend payment of SEK 862m (667).

*)Pro forma
**) Before bonus issue of 88.9 million shares


A telephone conference will be held at 14.30 CET on 15 February 2008. In order to participate, please call +46 (0)8 5052 0114 or +44 (0)20 7162 0125. A replay of the presentation will be available at the web site.

For more information, please contact Åsa Stenqvist, Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications and Investor Relations, tel. +46 8 738 64 94