Interim Report July - September 2006
Press release
Stockholm 19 October 2006
- Net sales pro forma for the first nine months rose to SEK 24,863m (23,768) and income for the period pro forma to SEK 1,665m (1,482), corresponding to SEK 5.62 (5.00) per share
- Unchanged sales of garden products for the period as a whole, but a considerable decline in the third quarter due to inventory reductions by retailers
- Group sales and operating income declined in the quarter, operating margin rose to 10.6% (10.1)
- Operating margin for Consumer Products improved in the quarter, despite substantially lower sales
- Sales for Professional Products rose in the quarter and operating margin remained at a high level
A combined presentation and telephone conference will be held at 15.00 CET on 19 October 2006, at the Husqvarna head office at S:t Göransgatan 143 in Stockholm. The presentation will be chaired by Bengt Andersson, President and CEO of Husqvarna. Mr Andersson will be accompanied by Bernt Ingman, CFO.